Symptoms of worms in an adult in the intestine: signs of infection

symptoms of helminthiasis

Helminthiasis is the most common parasitic infection affecting people of any age. Doctors cannot provide exact statistics on the number of cases, as many do not turn to a specialist when they detect alarming symptoms, but prefer to treat themselves. This approach can lead to serious complications becauseeven broad-spectrum medications may be ineffective against some types of helminth infestations, for example, filariasis - infection with filamentous nematodes.

In total, more than 400 varieties of helminths are known that can parasitize the human body, and it is possible to accurately determine which of them caused the disease only after a laboratory examination of feces. You should consult a doctor (general practitioner, proctologist or infectious disease specialist) if you notice any signs of helminth infestation. The difficulty of timely diagnosis in almost half of cases lies in the absence of typical symptoms of helminthiasis, so it is important to know which signs can be indirect manifestations of helminthiasis. It is recommended that adults undergo a preventive stool examination, as well as a curettage for enterobiasis, at least once a year.

How can you get infected?

Most patients consider helminth infestation to be a "dirty hand disease". This statement is only half true. Some varieties of worms, for example tapeworms and other flatworms, can actually live in soil and sand, so in the absence of proper hand hygiene, a person can get helminthiasis, but this route of transmission is typical especially for children of the same age. younger age group (1 to 6 years). In adults, the main source of infection is poor-quality food (expired dairy products, poorly processed meat, stale eggs) and tap water.

How does worm infection occur?

You can get infected with worms in open rivers and reservoirs. In rare cases, while swimming, a person can become infected with leeches, representatives of the class of annelids that cause hirudinosis. The pathology is quite serious, since the main food for leeches is blood and its components, which leads to damage to blood vessels, rapidly progressing anemia and blood poisoning against the background of systemic intoxication of the body. To avoid this, you should not swim in places that do not have "Swimming Allowed" signs. Soil/water samples are periodically taken at specially designated sites in summer, and the risk of infection in such places is many times lower.

Other sources of infection for people may include:

  • street and domestic animals (it is necessary to clean the animal's bedding only with gloves, and the animal itself must be washed regularly and treated with anthelmintic drugs 2 times a year);
  • contaminated air;
  • blood-sucking insects (mosquitoes, ticks);
  • dust (including household dust that accumulates on soft toys and upholstered furniture).

Note!Some types of worms can enter the human body through the skin, so physical contact with a person diagnosed with helminthiasis should be limited as much as possible.

Helminths quickly spread throughout the body.

Acute infection in adults: symptoms and signs

It is possible to diagnose or suspect helminth infestation independently at home only during the period of acute and subacute course of the disease. Depending on the type of worms, their number and the state of the immune system, it can vary from 1 week to 4 months. The symptoms of the pathology during this period are more pronounced, so the chances of timely treatment and reducing the risks of complications in acute form are maximum.

The main symptoms of acute helminthiasis are disorders of intestinal function. The patient develops functional intestinal disorders in the form of diarrhea or prolonged absence of stool (constipation is 4 times less common than diarrhea syndrome). The consistency of the feces when infected with worms is thin, watery, sometimes with the addition of foam. The smell is fetid, pungent. The color may vary, but in most patients the stool becomes lighter in color and pale yellow. If there is a heavy worm infestation, the droppings may be brown or green. Sometimes they contain streaks of mucus and blood, which are released as a result of damage by the worms to the blood vessels and capillaries located in the intestinal mucous membranes.

Among other signs of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient may have abdominal pain, sudden and causeless vomiting, loss of appetite against the background of constant nausea. Many patients lose weight during this period: weight loss can be up to 10% within 2-4 months of disease onset. The skin becomes pale, and a polymorphic rash appears on it in the form of vesicles or nodules filled with exudate. The same rash can occur on the mucous membranes of the genitals, oral cavity and internal organs. During this period approximately 10-20% develop acne, pimples and comedones. A small red rash may appear on the skin of the abdomen and elbows.

Other signs of acute infection in an adult include:

  • inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye (parasitic conjunctivitis);
  • swelling of the face, limbs, neck (may be accompanied by dropsy of the internal organs);
  • feverish condition;
  • fever and chills against the background of periodic increases in temperature up to 38°C and above.

Important!Anal itching, considered the main symptom of helminthiasis, is characteristic mainly of enterobiasis, a pinworm infection. It occurs due to irritation of the skin in the anorectal area with the secretion secreted by female pinworms during the night. For other acute forms of helminth infestation, such a clinical picture is not considered typical.

Chronic infestation: what symptoms should you pay attention to?

The chronic form of helminthiasis is a very common pathology that develops in the absence of timely treatment in the acute period. Most clinical symptoms regress and lose their intensity during this period, but do not disappear completely. A person may periodically feel slight pain in the abdominal area, nausea, and possible vomiting immediately after eating or 1-2 hours after eating. The rashes usually persist. If the reaction is severe, the patient may feel itAngioedema is a life-threatening condition accompanied by laryngeal spasm and bronchospasm.

One of the main signs of chronic helminth infestation (as well as its complications) is anemia. It manifests itself with unnatural paleness, asthenia (chronic fatigue syndrome) and weakness. A person's performance decreases, he becomes lethargic, and emotional lability may be observed.

If the hepatobiliary system is affected

The hepatobiliary system, which includes the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, is the primary target of parasite attacks. Worms can feed on liver parenchyma cells, blood, bile components and bile acids. This form of pathology manifests itself with severe pain localized under the right rib in the upper part of the abdomen. The pain can be stabbing, cutting or dagger-shaped in nature, so many people mistake it for an attack of biliary colic (this situation is especially typical for patients with chronic diseases of the gallbladder and ducts).

Obstructive jaundice is another sign that requires immediate diagnosis. Yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes can be a manifestation of dangerous liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis) or symptoms of damage to organ tissues by parasites.

Important!Hepatobiliary helminthiasis is one of the most serious types of pathology. In the absence of adequate and timely therapy, the patient may die from acute intoxication and necrosis of the liver tissue.

Clinical indicators - signs of helminth infestation

A doctor may suspect a parasitic infection if the results of three blood tests confirm that the patient has anemia, a low level of hemoglobin. For an adult, the hemoglobin value is between 120 and 140 g/l. In some cases, for example during pregnancy, this figure can be slightly lower, up to 110 g/l. But the amount of hemoglobin should not fall below these values. Anemia in patients with helminthiasis develops rapidly, since almost 90% of parasites feed on human blood and damage small blood vessels.

Another constant clinical sign of long-term helminthiasis iseosinophilia: absolute or relative increase in the level of eosinophils in the blood. This is a type of granulocytic leukocyte mass, which is the main indicator of the body's allergic readiness. When infected with parasites, it is always combined with skin itching and polymorphic rash.

How to protect yourself from worm infection?

The basic rule that helps protect the body from the penetration of worms is strict compliance with hygiene, first of all hand hygiene. For washing it is preferable to use soap with antibacterial components or natural laundry soap with a fatty acid concentration of at least 72%. Laundry soap has a pronounced disinfectant and antimicrobial effect and provides excellent prevention of infectious diseases. If you are intolerant to the smell of laundry soap, you can use a product with added aromatic additives.

Food must be prepared in compliance with hygiene standards and heat treatment. It is recommended to rinse fruits and vegetables with boiling water or wash them with soap and fry or boil the meat at a high temperature for at least 30-40 minutes. The minimum time to boil eggs is 20 minutes. It is important to monitor the quality and freshness of products and carefully check expiry dates. If the product does not have the necessary information and labeling it is better to refuse the purchase.

If there are pets in the house, it is necessary to carry out a course of deworming 2 times a year, even if the animal does not go out, since worm eggs can be introduced into the apartment with external shoes and clothes. The safest deworming agent for dogs and cats is chicken-flavored tablets.

What to take for helminthiasis?

Treatment for helminthiasis should be prescribed only by a doctor, since all anthelmintic drugs are highly toxic and negatively affect the condition of the liver. The table lists frequently prescribed drugs with a broad spectrum of action, as well as their dosage, but they can be used only after laboratory diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

Signs, treatment and symptoms of worms in an adult in the intestine

There are about 250 types of worms that live in the body of an adult and are born as a result of the entry of parasitic worms into the human body, causing various diseases.

The presence of helminths in the intestines of people is masked under the guise of other diseases.

A person can be treated for an illness for years without realizing that there are worms in their body. And only after a course of treatment against helminths will he feel much better.

Classification of helminths

Parasites are divided into 3 groups:

  1. nematodes;
  2. Flatworms;
  3. lucky breaks.

Groups of helminths are also distinguished based on biological characteristics:

  1. Biohelminths- tapeworms, pigs and cattle. As they develop into adulthood, they change hosts, starting with insects and finally migrating to humans.
  2. Geohelminths— roundworms, whipworms and many other parasites immediately penetrate the body of an adult and begin their development from the initial stage.
  3. Contact- pinworms, dwarf tapeworms. Entry occurs from an infected person.

Where can helminths live?

The parasites mainly infect the intestines of adults. But not everyone knows that there are types that can live in other organs:

  • Tapeworms, roundworms and whipwormsthey live in the large intestine.
  • Thermomotodes- enter the liver and gallbladder.
  • Pork tapewormlives in any organ of an adult.

Types of microorganisms that live in the adult body

In the body of an adult, mainly helminths such as roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms are found. They actively absorb nutrients from the body of an adult, after which metabolic disorders, anemia, severe weight loss and other types of diseases occur.

Helminths in humans:

  • Nematodes:the infection occurs after eating unwashed fruits and vegetables.
  • Wide Ribbon:When eating raw fish.
  • Pinworms:in contact with other people already infected with parasites and through the use of the same dishes and linen.

Helminths develop over a certain period of time, which generally lasts from 15 to 60 days, after which the chronic stage of the disease occurs.

After transitioning to the chronic stage, a person's immunity decreases. Inflammation begins immediately against the background of the weakening of the body.

Causes of worms

Helminthic worms in humans cause serious poisoning of the body. If worms appear in an adult, the symptoms depend on the type of parasite, the habitat and the number of parasites, which multiply several times, or even several thousand times, every day.

How long afterward do the first signs begin to appear?

For example, for roundworms, it only takes two or three days to notice a bad condition. Most often, infection with other types of parasites occurs in an adult; the first signs appear after 2-3 weeks, but the first symptoms of heartworm can occur between 6 and 18 months.

The danger is that in some cases worm disease occurs without visible symptoms. The signs may appear after the parasite has reached enormous size.

  1. Pinworms— The main signs of the presence of these parasites in the body of an adult are itching, which intensifies at night. The frequency may last from one to two days and then not bother for several weeks. And if the infection is severe, itching can occur quite often.
  2. Trichocephalosis— a sign of infection with this type of helminths is the development of anemia. Nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and severe weight loss may occur.
  3. Nematodes- a rash appears all over the body, but can also occur in different parts of the body, nausea, abdominal pain, weight loss. If this parasite is not noticed in time, the integrity of the intestine may be compromised. If the ascaris enters the appendix, severe inflammation of this organ may develop.

If the number of helminths has increased several times, a high temperature may appear. But in rare cases, parasitic infection is asymptomatic. But basically helminth infection manifests itself with signs that are not difficult to notice.

At the initial stage of the appearance of worms, it is necessary to begin comprehensive and adequate treatment so that this disease does not become chronic.

How parasites enter the human body. Infection

There are four ways in which parasite infection occurs.

  1. Through earth and water with worms. Through communication with animals and when eating foods and products on which a fly with helminth eggs has landed. Every time you touch the ground, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Fruits and vegetables collected from the site should be washed with water using a special scraper or sponge. You should not drink water from springs, since parasite eggs very often live in water. You should not ingest water when swimming in ponds, rivers, or other bodies of water.
  2. From a person suffering from parasites, such as pinworms. Reproduction occurs at night. A female individual crawls out of the intestine and lays one or more eggs on the folds of the anal passage, after which itching naturally occurs, the person scratches himself, and helminth eggs remain on underwear, hands and surrounding objects. Without proper hand washing, infection occurs by introducing pinworm eggs into the mouth. This is the most common method of parasite infection.
  3. When eating undercooked and raw meat and through raw fish.
  4. Through mosquito bites, flies and so on.

When helminths enter the body, two stages of development can occur: acute and chronic.

The acute phase begins from the moment the helminths enter the human body and can last from two weeks to 2 months.

The second stage begins after a person has not gotten rid of worms and lasts for life. When worms enter the body, poor absorption of nutrients occurs.

Where can helminths live?

The parasites mainly infect the intestines of adults. But not everyone knows that there are types that can live in other organs:

  • Tapeworms, roundworms and whipwormsthey live in the large intestine.
  • Thermomotodes- enter the liver and gallbladder.
  • Pork tapewormlives in any organ of an adult.

Types of microorganisms that live in the adult body

In the body of an adult, mainly helminths such as roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms are found. They actively absorb nutrients from the body of an adult, after which metabolic disorders, anemia, severe weight loss and other types of diseases occur.

Helminths in humans:

  • Nematodes: the infection occurs after eating unwashed fruits and vegetables.
  • Wide Ribbon:When eating raw fish.
  • Pinworms:in contact with other people already infected with parasites and through the use of the same dishes and linen.

Helminths develop over a certain period of time, which generally lasts from 15 to 60 days, after which the chronic stage of the disease occurs.

After transitioning to the chronic stage, a person's immunity decreases. Inflammation begins immediately against the background of the weakening of the body.

Causes of worms

Helminthic worms in humans cause serious poisoning of the body. If worms appear in an adult, the symptoms depend on the type of parasite, the habitat and the number of parasites, which multiply several times, or even several thousand times, every day.

How long afterward do the first signs begin to appear?

For example, for roundworms, it only takes two or three days to notice a bad condition. Most often, infection with other types of parasites occurs in an adult; the first signs appear after 2-3 weeks, but the first symptoms of heartworm can occur between 6 and 18 months.

The danger is that in some cases worm disease occurs without visible symptoms. The signs may appear after the parasite has reached enormous size.

  1. Pinworms— The main signs of the presence of these parasites in the body of an adult are itching, which intensifies at night. The frequency may last from one to two days and then not bother for several weeks. And if the infection is severe, itching can occur quite often.
  2. Trichocephalosis— a sign of infection with this type of helminths is the development of anemia. Nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and severe weight loss may occur.
  3. Nematodes- a rash appears all over the body, but can also occur in different parts of the body, nausea, abdominal pain, weight loss. If this parasite is not noticed in time, the integrity of the intestine may be compromised. If the ascaris enters the appendix, severe inflammation of this organ may develop.

The first symptoms of worms in humans appear as follows:

  • skin rash that causes constant itching;
  • swelling, both over the whole body and in some places;
  • cough, choking;
  • inflammation of the lymph node;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • joint pain, lower abdomen;
  • serious illness;
  • diarrhea, constipation, bloating, intestinal pain;
  • damage to the central nervous system.

If the number of helminths has increased several times, a high temperature may appear. But in rare cases, parasitic infection is asymptomatic. But basically helminth infection manifests itself with signs that are not difficult to notice.

At the initial stage of the appearance of worms, it is necessary to begin comprehensive and adequate treatment so that this disease does not become chronic.

Test to detect parasites in adults

To diagnose the presence of worms in the body of an adult, a stool sample is collected for research. For some types of helminths, additional tests are collected:

  • scrapings of the anal canal are collected for the presence of egg worms in an adult;
  • in women, scrapings are taken from the vagina, the navel area and the inguinal folds;
  • carry out an immunological test;
  • Urine and blood tests are collected.

If single individuals of helminths are present in the body, the symptoms occur unnoticed by an adult. If there are numerous parasites in the body, the symptoms manifest themselves in a rather complex way. Especially with a certain type of worms, people suffer in the evening and at night.

To remove parasites from the human body, the doctor prescribes individual treatment.

Treatment of helminth infestations

In the modern world, there are many preventive measures and treatment methods, which have their own specialization in the treatment of various types of parasites.

In our country there are about 70 types of helminths. Only after examining the tests are precise treatments and medications prescribed, as the drugs are highly toxic. In addition, appropriate treatment is prescribed for all types of parasites.

The course of treatment may be repeated as there is a risk of reinfection.


The treatment can also be carried out with traditional methods. Time-tested methods are considered effective. These include eating pumpkin seeds and the tansy plant.

In the modern world, it is believed that pumpkin seeds are best eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. You need to eat 300 grams of seeds in an hour. It is recommended to grind and add honey. Don't eat anything for four hours and cleanse your stomach with a laxative and an enema.

Repeat treatment is recommended after two weeks. Carrots or carrot juice are also believed to help against parasites. A decoction of wormwood herb will help get rid of the problem, it should be used orally or as an enema.

Prevention of worms. What is needed?

It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, drink purified or boiled water, use personal hygiene items and your own dishes, linen and other personal items.

All pet vaccinations must be completed on time. Before consumption it is necessary to carefully wash fruit and vegetables and heat meat and fish. For prevention, take medications against parasites. You should not eat raw, dried or dried fish from freshwater bodies. To avoid helminth infection, you just need to follow the prevention rules.